Residents meeting – 17 October at 7.30pm Epsom Sports Club

Join us to hear from Epsom & St Helier NHS Trust about the latest position on the new emergency care hospital in Sutton and the upgrading of Epsom hospital following the government announcements about reviewing the new hospital programme.

The hospital at St Helier was built before the NHS was established and is in significant disrepair with sub-standard buildings, sinking foundations, flooding, leaks and propped up rooves. The hospital in Epsom can no longer cope with current demand, is over developed and upgrading some services to modern standards is a real challenge.

The new hospital has been in the pipeline for many years and would enable the upgrading of both Epsom & St Helier hospitals and bring healthcare here up to modern standards.

Come and join us on the 17th to hear from the Trust about what is the latest position and when we are now likely to see our local hospital facilities upgraded.

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Housing Pressures and Homelessness

Epsom & Ewell has proportionately one of the highest numbers of homeless households living in temporary accommodation in England. At present, we have 160 homeless households in temporary accommodation in the borough and more than 90 homeless households
in nightly paid accommodation outside of the borough. Many of these families may have to wait more than three years before temporary accommodation in the borough becomes available, and even longer before a permanent housing solution can be found for them. A long-term and sustainable solution will involve tough decisions within our Local Plan as well as improved Government support.

To understand more about the reasons for our housing crisis read the BBC story here

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Local Plan – latest position

Bringing forward the next stage of the Local Plan (Regulation 19) for public consultation is a key priority for the Council and is expected to take place in early 2025.

You may well be aware of recent Government announcements about reforming planning in order to deliver its national ambition for 1.5 million new homes by the end of this five-year parliament. This involves a range of radical proposals including changes to how local housing need is calculated for Local Plan purposes and the concept of ‘Grey Belt’ whereby low performing sites in the Green Belt can be identified for development.

The proposals as they stand would result in our housing need figure increasing by 41 per cent – going from 576 homes a year to 817. The previous housing figures were already difficult to achieve within the new Draft Local Plan and this additional scale of development would be likely to seriously threaten and undermine the character and amenity of our Borough.

Both the Council and the umbrella organisation for the Residents Associations across Epsom and Ewell (SCoRA) have recently responded to the Government consultation on the planning reforms. These express support for some of the suggested policy changes relating, for example,
to improving the delivery of much needed affordable and social housing.

Strong objections have also been lodged though to proposals which could lead to excessive high density, high-rise development at odds with the prevailing character and heritage of the Borough.

John Mumford, Chair

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September Update

For latest updates and news you can read our September 2024 newsletter here

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Quiz Night

Bring your family and friends along for a fun evening and support your local residents association.

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Land And Buildings at Former Gas Holder Station, East Street, Epsom

A major planning application has been submitted for the phased redevelopment for:

1. full planning permission for the demolition of existing buildings and structures, site wide remediation and the erection of five residential buildings (ranging between 8-12 storeys),

new access arrangements, parking, hard and soft landscaping, open space and other associated works and 

2. outline planning permission, with all matters reserved except access, for the separate development demolition and re-provision of a Performing Arts Centre and Education building, hard and soft landscaping and other associated works.

Whilst this is not in or adjacent to our Woodcote & Langley Vale ward it is a significant proposal which has major implications for the town centre and all borough residents. Details can be viewed here and entering the case reference number 24/01107/FUL

Any representations should be submitted to the Council by 24 September. It is expected that the application will be considered at the December meeting of Epsom & Ewell Borough Council’s Planning Committee.

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Marsden Nursery and Garden Centre, Pleasure Pit Road (Otherwise known as Ashtead Park Garden Centre)

Last year WERS objected to a planning application to demolish and remove the existing buildings and erect 23 dwellings. We objected on the grounds that the proposed residential redevelopment would be an inappropriate use in the Green Belt. The proposed development will completely change the character of the area with a loss of openness and result in the suburbanisation of this essential and high performing section of Green Belt. 

The applicant has now appealed to the Secretary of State the decision by Mole Valley Borough Council to refuse the application. Details of the appeal are available on Mole Valley’s planning portal here. If you wish to make any representations to the Planning Inspector regarding this appeal you can do that here and entering the case reference number 3347843 in the search box. Representations must be received by 20 September 2024.

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Funding review casts doubt on hospital plans

Chancellor Rachel Reeves has announced she would be reviewing the previous government’s plan to build 40 new hospitals by 2030 and resetting the programme to put it on a sustainable footing.

The details of the review are yet to be confirmed and we don’t know whether or not the funding for the redevelopment of the Epsom and St Helier Hospitals will be forthcoming and if so on what timeline.  

The new government says that past delays and cost overruns mean that the funding allocated to the programme runs out in March. The programme has therefore to be reset and a thorough, costed and realistic timeline for delivery put in place to avoid the public being further mislead and let down.

Meanwhile the Hospital Trust says it is “cracking on with plans for the new hospital and upgrades to our existing sites while the review takes place”.

Hopefully we will know more by the time that James Blythe, Managing Director of the Epsom & St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust speaks at our next Resident’s Meeting on 17 October at 7.30pm the Epsom Sports Club.

Please make sure that evening is reserved in your diary for what will be an important opportunity to hear what the review may mean for our hospital redevelopment plans. 

We are very grateful to James for agreeing to give up his evening to come and speak to us.

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Could you be part of the change at Surrey County Council

We have Surrey Council elections in May next year.  

The Surrey Residents Association and Independent Group are the designated Official Opposition on Surrey County Council and in May 2025 could be part of the administration running the Council.

With that in mind the Epsom & Ewell Residents’ Associations (RAs) are clear that the Council needs change and we want to do everything we can to ensure a good range of RA Candidates for Councillors.  

We are actively seeking committed, hardworking, community focused individuals who want to see things improve for residents in your area and all residents of Surrey to stand for election.

If that could be you we would be very keen to receive your expression of interest. Details of the information we need are here.   If it would be useful to have a conversation first please get in touch on or call 07989 086516.”   


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Green Gables

A revised planning application has now been submitted for a 3 dwelling unit scheme for the redevelopment of the Green Gables site.

This follows on from the earlier refusal for a 4-unit scheme on the site This scheme is considered by the applicant to address the previous officer reasons for refusal relating to perceived harm to the character of the area, ecology of the site and street trees.

Details can be found here and you can submit comments on the application until 6 August 2024.

Woodcote (Epsom) Residents’ Society (W(E)RS) is pleased to confirm its support for this three unit scheme which it considers to be appropriate for the site in terms of design, scale and materials and safeguards residential amenity, townscape and character of the surrounding area. We have asked that any permission is subject to appropriate conditions covering landscaping, trees, boundary fencing and obscure glazing. This should include a condition restricting householder permitted development rights in order to safeguard the spaciousness and verdancy of the submitted scheme.

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