Epsom Downs Consultative Committee – 25th March

At the meeting on the 25th March two issues dominated the agenda: the question Langley Vale residents had asked us to raise on the overgrown vegetation encroaching on your gardens, and the maintenance of the Downs more generally and the condition of the new notice boards.
Maintenance of the Downs
We understand that the vegetation encroaching into your back gardens from the Downs was cut back within days of our informing the Streetcare Manager following our July Open Meeting at Langley Vale Village Hal. To help with and improve the grass cutting going forward the Council is in the process of purchasing its own flail cutter. This issue is now on the Streetcare Manager’s radar but if there is an issue this year you just need to let us know on info@woodcoteepsomresidentssociety.org or make contact any of our Councillors/Committee Members and we will get in touch with the Streetcare Manager again.
Issues with the Listed Wall and the state of the trees in Warren Wood at the back of properties on the upper part of Beaconsfield Road were raised and it was agreed to investigate.
Information Boards
On the information boards we are looking for volunteers to help us rub down and varnish the boards ahead of final versions of the content being mounted. We noted that the current content was temporary while final content is being agreed with the EU funders and completed.
It would be fantastic if some of you would be willing to help with this specific task. If you can help, please get in touch on info@woodcoteepsomresidentssociety.org and we will let you have further information.
There is also an ongoing review of the existing signage to ensure there isn’t too much of it and what there is isn’t contradictory.
The Council is eager to welcome more volunteers to help with implementing the 2023-2028 Downs Habitat Management Plan which you can find here. It was stressed that the plan is quite prescriptive to balance biodiversity with the racing industry but that it is a live document and can change if issues are raised that need to be addressed. Current issues being actioned were Ash Dieback; the planting of new trees; and improving the grassland management including looking at the feasibility of re-introducing sheep grazing on Juniper Hill.
Again if you would be willing to volunteer on the Downs please contact us on info@woodcoteepsomresidentssociety.org or make contact any of our Councillors/Committee Members.