Epsom & Ewell is unique in having been an independent RA led Borough Council since it was incorporated (became the borough of Epsom & Ewell) in 1937.
The majority of elected Borough Councillors stand as Residents’ Association (RA) candidates. They are local people, living locally, making local decisions about local issues informed by your views and concerns and not National Party politics.
In addition to the borough council elections there are County Council Elections. Surrey County Council is responsible for such matters as highways, schools and social services.
There are five Surrey County Council (SCC) divisions that make up Epsom and Ewell. Woodcote and Langley Vale Ward together with parts of College and Town Wards form the SCC Epsom Town and Downs Division.
Residents’ Associations
There are currently eleven independent Residents Associations that form the Residents Associations of Epsom and Ewell. The Committee Members from these Associations nominate and provide support for their local councillors. Woodcote and Langley Vale Residents Society is one of these representing the Woodcote and Langley Vale Ward.

Each Association has a committee of local people who work together in a voluntary capacity for the benefit of their local community by promoting and defending the interests of residents. Borough and County RA councillors are invited to attend committee meetings to hear the concerns of residents, take away actions and report back on progress.
Woodcote (Epsom) Residents Society
The Society is open to all residents in the Woodcote and Langley Vale ward. There is an annual subscription of a minimum of £5.
We welcome members to our Annual General Meetings. (AGM) who are residents of the ward. This is an opportunity for the Councillors and the Committee to hear direct from residents about their priorities and concerns.
Other meetings are arranged to discuss specific local concerns and we also welcome your comments and suggestions at other times. We have road representatives who help us by delivering newsletters etc and act as our eyes and ears often letting us know about local concerns.
The role of the Society is to:
- influence decisions on issues and services that are important to residents
- provide information and offer advice to residents
- respond to major planning applications and consultations on behalf of residents
This ward currently has three RA Borough Councillors and one RA Surrey County Councillor.
Woodcote & Langley Vale Residents Society works closely with our RA Councillors and feeds local concerns through to them.
Council committees
Councillors sit on Committees and panels and have direct input into policies and decisions, acting within national legislation and regulations. Individual RA Councillors are free to make decisions, informed by the concerns and interests of local people and not national party politics.
The policy committees are: Community and Wellbeing; Environment and Safe Communities; Licensing and Planning Policy and Strategy and Resources. See (Epsom and Ewell Democracy) ( for the full list of Committees