W(E)RS objected to both the original 6-unit scheme (23/00577/FUL) which was recently dismissed on appeal (Details here) and have now submitted a further objection to a revised 5-unit scheme submitted to supposedly address the reasons for refusal relating to the earlier application.
W(E)RS objected to this latest scheme on the grounds that the vehicular and pedestrian risks associated with the site access road had still not been adequately addressed and would be dangerous to pedestrians with inadequate space available within the access road to safely accommodate both pedestrian and vehicular movements. In addition, it was considered that there would be inadequate space to provide a ‘passing space’ for vehicles utilising the access road to allow oncoming vehicles from Whitehorse Drive to pass safely, resulting in the potential for vehicles to have to reverse out onto the highway in an area of high pedestrian activity, especially at school arrival or departure times.
W(E)RS have now made further representations against the proposal in the light of the appellant’s Statement of Case which fails to mention the recent appeal dismissal of the 6-unit scheme on grounds that supported the objections raised by our Society.
It is W(E)RS’s view that the Inspector’s reasons for dismissing the 6-unit scheme should equally apply to the 5-unit scheme.
The details and our response to the latest scheme can be found here: