Conversion of existing stable blocks into 6 residential 1-bedroom units for affordable accommodation for people working in the equine industry.
W(E)RS objected to this planning application 24/01223/FUL on the grounds that:
1.The loss of the stables would adversely impact on the racehorse training industry in Epsom.
2.The application is contrary to Policy DM24 as it represents a loss of employment floorspace and Policy DM26 because it would fail to maintain a successful race-horse industry and the re-use of existing buildings for stabling, tack rooms, feed stores or other ancillary equestrian uses.
3. The accommodation would not provide a satisfactory standard of accommodation with 5 of the 6 units below nationally prescribed minimum space standards if the units were to be occupied by 2 people. We assume this to be the case as the floor plan shows a double bed and the Planning Statement refers to the units being ideal for ‘young individuals and couples. We therefore consider it reasonable to apply the minimum space standards of 50sqm for a 1 bed/2 person unit. In addition there is no provision for private external amenity space for the occupants. The proposal would therefore be contrary to Policy DM12 (Housing Standards)
We are sympathetic to the need for additional affordable housing for people working in the local horse racing industry but this must meet housing standards and should not be achieved at the loss of the very stabling space that helps underpin the industry.
LATEST – Planning Application Refused
The following 9 grounds of objection were cited which included support for the reasons W(E)RS objected to the stable conversion.
1.Inappropriate Development in the Green Belt
2. Loss of Employment Floor Space
3. Substandard Amenity Provision
4.Harm to the Character of the Area
5. Harm to Neighbour Amenity
6. Harm to Protected Species
7. Loss of Employment Floorspace
8. Inappropriate Dwelling Mix T
9. Lack of Affordable Housing
The full details can be found here 24/01223/FUL