Councillor update – January 2022 – Steven McCormick

Councillor update (County) – Steven McCormick for January 2022

SCC resident queries and casework progressed.

SCC full council held remotely.  I was unable to attend due to work commitments; apologies sent.

Regular weekly meetings of the independent group are held each Friday at 2 pm remotely via MS Teams. 

Resource and Select committee meeting held to review and scrutinize several items.  I was asked to query the SAP to Unit4 project that is running behind and required an extra £3.2m at the December cabinet meeting. 

Attended numerous committee and member update meetings, chair-vice-chair meetings, and budget meetings at EEBC over the month.

Epsom & Ewell Silver Band (EESB) to be booked for Alex Rec. and Rosebery Park for summer 2022.  Update:  EESB has been contacted for a list of dates they can make. 

Chalk Pit item was due to be heard in January and preparation meetings with residents were held.  Item ultimately was deferred by SCC legal the evening before the Planning meeting.  

Five speakers plus the two divisional members can speak.  John Beckett and I had prepared to speak against the item in support of residents. 

Borough updates:

The planning committee, Epsom and Walton Downs Consultative, Epsom and Walton Downs Conservators, Strategy & Resources (observer).

The planning committee’s most recent meeting in January discussed several items ultimately running out of time to hear all agenda items with 107-111 East Street being deferred to the next meeting in February.

Epsom & Walton Downs Consultative held its first meeting for over two years.  Very well attended and useful updates shared.

Epsom & Walton Downs Conservators met, and the Platinum Jubilee Beacon was an item discussed which was approved.  Other items covered the budget. 

Budget preparation work has been progressing throughout with numerous sessions to discuss and refine figures for the upcoming year. 

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